To stay at the Inn, taking the Insider’s Tour is required, though you may take the Insider’s Tour without staying at the Inn.
Available Tuesday–Saturday nights; closed Sunday & Monday nights.
Check-in 2:00PM. Early check-in is available, pending availability.
Check-out 12:00PM. At check-out, you will pay for your room, 13% sales tax and any other expenses. Major credit cards, PayPal and cash (US$ or Costa Rican colones).
Stay up to three nights. Book up to one year in advance.
Rates include breakfast on our riverside veranda.
Our entire facility is non-smoking, per strict Costa Rica law. Smoking only allowed outside our front gate.
Our property is gated and has a security attendant. If front gate is closed, please tap your car horn for assistance
WiFi available.
For meals, explore Cahuita or Puerto Viejo. Sobre las Olas,Amimodo and Café Viejo are popular options. We can arrange for a taxi to/from dinner if you make your request before 3PM at reception.
Once we confirm availability, we will send a PayPal invoice for the tour and room.