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General questions

Can I volunteer, intern, work or help with veterinary needs at the Sanctuary?

Can I touch / hold / hug a sloth?

How do I schedule the Insider’s Tour?

How do I book the Buttercup Inn?

I’m taking a cruise that stops in Puerto Limon and want to take your Buttercup Tour. How do I arrange this?

Can I buy a Gift Certificate for the Insider’s Tour?

Can you send me some sloth photos or videos for my personal project?

Why is it that some sloths cannot be released back into the wild?

Can I keep a sloth as a pet?

Why does the Sloth Sanctuary rescue sloths? How are they in trouble?

How can I support the sloths? Can I adopt a sloth?

Can I volunteer, intern, work or help with veterinary needs at the Sanctuary?
No. As Costa Rica is still a developing country, we feel obligated to hire local Costa Ricans and offer veterinary clinical rotations solely to university students who reside in Costa Rica. top of page

Can I touch / hold / hug a sloth?
No. Appreciate the sloths, but no touching! Conservation regulations limit handling only to Sanctuary staff, no exceptions. top of page

Also: Keep away from roadside scammers who let you hold a sloth for a photo. They simply knock an innocent sloth out of its tree, exploit it for quick money, then allow the animal to die from lack of nutrition. When the next tourist comes along who wants to hold a sloth for a photo, they repeat this inhumane practice. It’s literally the opposite of the work we do. Please do not perpetuate this exploitation.

How do I book the Insider’s Tour?
Request availability on the Insider’s Tour page. Prepay by PayPal (only a major credit card is needed) and bring your paid invoice when you arrive. top of page

How do I book the Buttercup Inn?
Request availability at our Buttercup Inn page. Taking the Insider’s Tour is required to stay at the Inn.  Once paid, your booking is secure. Please bring your paid invoice when you arrive. Rooms are not prepaid; payment required at check-out.  top of page

I’m taking a cruise that stops in Puerto Limon and want to take your Buttercup Tour. How do I arrange this?
Email ButtercupTours@SlothSanctuary.com morning tours are unavailable if the excursion is an option on your Cruise Tours 12 PM–3PM, Tuesday through Sunday)

At port there are always taxis waiting for passengers to disembark. We recommend pre-arranging your return with your driver. Drive time is about 30–40 minutes and fare is approximately US$45.  top of page

Can I buy a Gift Certificate for the Insider’s Tour?
Yes! Please send the details (for whom, how many guests, when they might visit) to ContactUs@SlothSanctuary.comtop of page

Can you send me some sloth photos or videos for my personal project?
No. Unless you have a media request, we are unable to send photos for your personal project. There are lots of excellent images of sloths online, but please credit the source. top of page

Why is it that some sloths cannot be released back into the wild?
While rescued/released adult sloths have a better chance of survival in the wild, rescued infant sloths lack essential survival skills and a robust immune system. Orphaned/abandoned infants did not stay with their mothers long enough to learn which leaves to eat, how to avoid predators, how to safely transfer to other foraging areas. We try our best to substitute-teach rescued infants these life skills and help build their immunity against disease. Our research efforts are continually reviewing ways that abandoned/orphaned sloths can be returned to their habitat without jeopardizing their health and longevity. top of page

Can I keep a sloth as a pet?
No. The resident sloths are not pets; they have been rescued from the wild and are in various stages of rehabilitation. In Costa Rica, it is illegal to keep a sloth as a pet. Even if your country does not specifically exclude sloths, do not keep a sloth as a pet. Sloths are not domesticated; they need to be allowed to live freely in the forest close to their food source. top of page

Why does the Sloth Sanctuary rescue sloths? How are they in trouble?
We rescue sloths from environments that are not sustainable, such as urban/suburban areas where there are few trees (sloths’ protection and food source) and perils created by human encroachment into the sloths’ natural habitat. Sloths are victims of power line electrocution, being hit by cars, dog attacks, exploitation and the like—injuries related to human activity. Sure, some people may feel it’s more natural to let an injured animal live a diminished life without an arm or to die a long, painful death by infection. But because the injuries were caused by humans taking over the sloths’ habitat, we believe the humane and compassionate route is to remove them from the area, help them heal and care for the disabled ones or allow the rehabilitated ones to return to their forest home. We are trying in our own way to preserve sloths from extinction. 50 years from now, it’s predicted there will be significantly less rainforest and even fewer sloths. Why not try to act now to save them while we can? top of page

How can I support the sloths? Can I adopt a sloth?
We no longer have a virtual adoption program, but you may donate to support the sloths in our care. You may make a donation to our non profit site at www.paypal.me/slothrescue. Thank you for your support of our mission. top of page